Sunday, July 31, 2005

sunday funday

well, i tell you what.
my commitment to you, the avid reader/viewer is at 100 plus percent man. I got out of bed, and all i've done today is reorganize files, naming conventions etcetera and try to get them loaded into the correct spots. it's been about 9 hours straight. 3 beers, 10 cigarettes and some mexican breakfast tacos with home made tortillas and a zoloft. (50mg keeps me afloat) and i think it's alright. Some links have been orphaned. some links have expired, but by and large the site should at least be functional by the night's end, and then i can begin the massive editing process for all images shot between april and today, and there have been many images taken with my two little cameras which are lately seeming less and less appropriate with all these nifty monsters out there these days. seems like i'm going to turn around tomorrow and find a 22 megapixel point and shoot for like $300 or something. Lord Bless Third World Labor and Crab Cake Eating Stock Holders the world over.

My preliminary click-thrus with the site have been fruitful. Internet Explorer shows all links working. There are some holes in the Safari view, but it could be me. My machine crashes safari everytime i test with it (bastards) so that's a problem on my end. FireFox and Mozilla work nicely, but there are some conflicts if you have tabbed browsing enabled. Please write me at and let me know if there are problems you've found as well. I am hoping to make the old site work well on the servers before i try to upload the new images.

thanks again for your patience while i make the move, and i'm looking forward to a diminished work schedule that will allow me a few minutes each day to begin a more consistent upload of images for ya'll.

now, don't forget to floss. danconnortown loves to use Glide Ultra Comfort floss. it feels so good.


danconnortown 78˚ and sunny.


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